

The Center for 可持续性 was formed in 2012 after the 可持续发展委员会 realized that in order to take the necessary steps to achieve real progress, 需要一名全职的可持续发展工作人员. 在约翰逊麦克法兰大厅的一个小办公室里, Chad King 和 a h和ful of students began looking for opportunities to solve some of DU's most pressing issues. 这个小团队开了一家自行车店, began the Zero 浪费 hockey program 和 began engaging campus partners to bring sustainability to their departments.

The Center for 可持续性 grew quickly from a small group of dedicated students 和 a single full-time coordinator to a lively, accomplished community of passionate undergraduate students, 研究生和两名全职工作人员. 

2022年秋天, 一个全新的领导团队加入了中心, 谁, 以及该中心的实习生和研究员, are helping co-create a transition away from sustainability towards a regenerative future. 这种转变代表了一种范式的转变, 和 the Center is actively working with the rest of the DU community to move beyond sustaining “business as usual,” 和 toward a way of being that is holistic 和 that creates a livable future for all. 在可再生的未来, humans are allowing the Earth 和 all ecosystems to heal while also focusing on healing relationships with ourselves, 彼此, 还有其他物种.  

作为这个转变的一部分, the Center co-created six values that we organize all of 项目 around:

  • 教育: We believe that equipping our community with accurate information 和 thinking skills (critical, 有创意的, systems) empowers them to take intentional 和 meaningful action to address social-ecological injustices.  
  • 股本 & 正义: We uplift the connection between social 和 ecological sustainability 和 work to address systemic inequities with local action 和 by improving access to services 和 information. 我们认识到并努力解决这种权力的作用, privilege 和 oppression play in exacerbating or addressing social-ecological injustices.  
  • 生态保健:在我们的工作中采用生命系统的方法, 我们坚持必须照顾好自己, 一个另一个, 我们的非人类, 和自然世界 through mindful 和 needs-based consumption 和 engaging in regenerative practices that create systems 和 ways of being that allow for all to flourish.  
  • 授权的社区: We learn from 和 partner with community partners on 和 off-campus to advance our knowledge 和 skills to address social-ecological injustices. Our community partnerships are grounded in reciprocity, 文化和智力上的谦逊, 还有深深的, shared commitment to elevating the well-being of all humans 和 the more-than-human world.   
  • 充满希望的 & 故意的行为: We support 一个另一个 through the emotions associated with global environmental change while practicing optimistic realism. We choose to focus our energy on taking meaningful 和 informed action, building structures 和 systems that are emergent 和 inclusive, 专注于我们能控制的事情. 
  • 互联性: We uplift living systems 和 demonstrate our interconnectedness with other humans, 其他物种, 通过我们的文化来了解自然世界, 沟通, 课程, 编程, 研究, 和合作伙伴. 

我们的工作遍及正规赌博十大平台排行校园, 操作深红曲柄, 我们在内格尔大厦地下室的自行车店, Driscoll Commons的食品储藏室, 和 the Thrift Store on the first floor of Centennial Halls. 另外, our 参与ment team produces the "This Week in 可持续性 Topics" news letter (TWIST), organizes several events 和 workshops throughout the year, 还有其他未公布的项目正在筹备中. 再生未来中心's headquarters is on the first floor of the Community Commons (next to Starbucks) - there you will find a welcoming space to discuss regenerative projects, find community 和 forge relationships with those 谁 share passions 和 values. 





萨拉米. Bexell, PhD is 教师 Director of the Center for 2020年的再生未来. She is also Clinical Associate Professor with the Graduate School of Social Work, 和 the Director of Humane 教育 with the Institute for Human-Animal Connection all at the 正规赌博十大平台排行. She teaches 和 does 研究 in the areas of ecological justice, 人文教育, 以及动物保护. 




茱莉亚E. Senecal, LSW是中心的助理主任 2020年的再生未来. She is also the Humane 教育 Research Projects Manager at the Institute for Human-Animal Connection within the Graduate School of Social Work at the 正规赌博十大平台排行. Her background in public K-12 education as both a teacher 和 a mental health professional support her in developing 和 implementing ecological-social justice 课程 和 研究 initiatives that empower youth to engage in practices that support global 和 ecological justice, 再生, 以及人类的平等, 动物, 和自然世界.




德里克·布兰农,M. Ed., joined the Center for 2020年的再生未来 as a Graduate Fellow. 作为课程与教学的博士生, he spent his first year developing 课程 for the Center. 2022年2月, 德里克成为了项目协调员, 后来是项目经理, 他和谁在一起, 和编程, the undergraduate interns 和 graduate fellows of the Center. 德里克在科罗拉多州长大, developing a deep love of the local environment 和 spent much of his career, 在来杜之前, 在科罗拉多历史中心教K-12学生.
