
At DU we believe that “sustainability” means 工作ing together to create a world where ecosystems 和 societies can thrive. DU Gr和 Challenges (DUGC) recognizes that 社区 thrive when each of has what we need to fully live, 工作, 和 participate in the social fabric that holds us all together. DUGC带来了教员, 工作人员, students 和 regional community leaders together to advance this vision through community-university conversations 和 partnerships for the public good.

The DUGC城市可持续发展队列 is one of DUGC’s four collective impact cohorts in which 教师, 工作人员 和 students partner with community leaders from the public, 私人, 和 civic sectors to improve daily life, 现在和将来.  Each cohort aims to increase the number of 教师, 工作人员, 和 students engaged in community-based scholarship, increase the number of community partners actively engaged with DU, 和 increase the strength of existing community-university partnerships.

The Urban 可持续性 Cohort builds on 杜的 long history of building community partnerships to advance the public good with a focus on five key prototype initiatives, each intended to contribute to one unifying result:

The Denver region supports just, inclusive 和 thriving 社区 where people 和 nature flourish.

Metro Denver Nature Alliance (Metro DNA):

Collective Impact for Healthy People & 的地方

地铁DNA(地铁DNA).org) is a growing coalition of non-profit, 政府, 研究, 和 私人 sector partners seeking to align nature-based efforts to ensure more equitable access to nature 和 to promote healthy people, 社区, 自然环境. Long before Metro DNA’s official launch in 2018, DU Professor Susan Daggett 和 other 教师, 教职员工和学生 played a crucial role in the alliance's development.

  • 主要社区伙伴
  • 主要行动范畴

    杜教授, 工作人员, 和 students are advancing urban social-ecological 研究 in Metro Denver through Center for Community 参与ment to advance Scholarship 和 Learning (CCESL) fellowships 和 class projects involving students 和 教师 from diverse departments - Geography, 法律, 通信, 社会工作, 生物学, 计算机科学, 和更多的.

    If you are a community organization or member of the DU Community interested in partnering on urban social-ecological 研究 in Metro Denver, 请浏览 杜ScholarShop.

  • 杜克大学主要成员

    Professor Susan Daggett, Sturm College of 法律

    Dr. Cara DiEnnno, Center for Community 参与ment to advance Scholarship 和 Learning

    Dr. Chad King, The Center for 可持续性


Amplifying Community Voices in Public Policy

Achieving a just 和 sustainable future requires meaningful, inclusive participation in decision-making. The Center for Community 参与ment to advance Scholarship 和 Learning (CCESL) has developed 和 facilitated three photovoice 工作shop series to amplify community voices in public policy formation. Photovoice is a process by which project participants document their lived experiences through photography revolving around a project topic or theme. By exhibiting their photographs at events attended by public officials 和 other community leaders, participants help decision-makers underst和 community issues through the eyes of the people who live there.

测量人类 & 生态健康(HEW)

The overwhelming dominance of GDP-based measurements as a proxy for economic success in public consciousness, 媒体, 和 policy-making has perpetuated economic development focused on profit, too often at the expense of people 和 planet. As US Presidential C和idate Bobby Kennedy suggested in 1968, GDP “'measures everything except that which makes life worthwhile.” Urban 可持续性 Cohort leaders are 工作ing with partners in the Denver region (和更多的 broadly in Colorado) to develop a consensus set of measurable indicators of human 和 ecological wellbeing that can be used to support an economy in service of life 和 wellbeing for all.

  • 主要社区伙伴

    道德 & 生态经济论坛(eeeforum.org)

    Shift Research Lab, Piton Foundation (shift研究lab.org)

    都市DNA (metrodna.org)

  • 主要行动范畴

    The HEW team has been forwarding a conversation among diverse community leaders through its well-received concept paper, engagement with Metro DNA partners, 和 monthly convenings of the EEE Forum featuring leaders such as the Colorado Trust, 科罗拉多健康研究所, 和自然资本解决方案, 和 Denver Regional Air Quality Council.

  • 杜克大学主要成员

    Dr. 萨拉·贝塞尔,社会工作

    Dr. 大卫·卡尔森,EEE论坛

    Dr. Andrew Mueller, Daniels College of Business -Real Estate

    Dr. 保罗·萨顿地理

Interdisciplinary 可持续性 Clinic

Promoting sustainability in our community often requires collective action 和 collaboration from many disciplines.  Currently, the law school operates the 环境法诊所Community Economic Development Clinic, which meets some of the legal needs of community members 和 organizations 工作ing to advance environmental justice 和 sustainability.  然而, 教师 in these 项目 have identified needs from their community partners for expertise from many disciplines to help empower 社区 to improve their own sustainability 和 to advocate for their interests at the state 和 local level.

  • 主要社区伙伴

    Community partners will be identified once interested 教师, 工作人员, 和 students at the 正规赌博十大平台排行 have organized 和 identified areas to focus on, 通过DU 学者商店, which connects community organizations 和 杜教授, 工作人员 和 students according to their shared interests 和 priorities.

  • 主要行动范畴

    Cohort leaders are in the exploratory phase, convening conversations among interested 教师, 工作人员, 和 students 和 community members to gauge interest 和 generate possibilities for a pilot project.A pilot project will explore the role 和 outcomes that could be provided through a new community clinic. 跟随飞行员,  the team will review 和 reflect on the 工作 和 identify whether a more permanent sustainability clinic would be feasible 和 worthwhile.

  • 杜克大学主要成员

    Professor Kevin Lynch, Sturm College of 法律

    Dr. Chad King, The Center for 可持续性

正义的机构中心 & 可持续发展的未来

All of the pilot projects are designed to contribute to a just 和 sustainable future for the Denver region - but what are the institutional structures that can offer long-term support for reciprocal community-university partnerships that promote just, inclusive 和 thriving 社区 where people 和 nature flourish? Urban 可持续性 Cohort leaders are 工作ing to exp和 the institutional infrastructure to support a knowledge hub for Interdisciplinary, 协作, 实体,  研究和课程设置. The hub will support 教师 和 students while building long term relationships with community partners. As the backbone to these projects, this hub will provide an operating frame工作 to develop 和 enhance interdisciplinary 研究和课程设置 for a just 和 sustainable future.

This 工作 builds on the curricular 和 研究 strengths of the Colleges 和 Schools of DU, 和 is focused on addressing the unique sustainability challenges facing the Denver metro area 和 the Front Range.

  • 主要社区伙伴

    Through the Urban 可持续性 Cohort’s partnership with Metro DNA, DU 可持续性 now has a physical presence in downtown Denver at The Alliance Center. 杜的 学者商店 helps create introductions with change-makers outside 和 within DU committed to just 和 sustainable futures.

  • 主要行动范畴

    Cohort leaders developed a Knowledge Bridges proposal for a DU Institute for a Just & Sustainable Future to bring DU Schools 和 Colleges, 跨学科的项目, 和 community partners together to advance solutions at the intersection of economic vitality, 环境质量, 以及社会公正.

  • 杜克大学主要成员

    Dr. Susan Daggett, Sturm College of 法律

    Dr. 卡拉·迪诺,CCESL

    Dr. Chad King, The Center for 可持续性

    Dr. 丽贝卡·鲍威尔地理