食物 & 浪费

食物 isn't just an issue of sustainability — it's intertwined with some of the most challenging injustices of our time. Some 40 percent of all food produced in the United States ends up in a l和fill, 和 food waste contributes 22 percent of municipal solid waste in l和fills. 食物 production 和 waste are also major drivers of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. 

With initiatives that engage our student body, 教职员工, as well as the larger community, we're targeting excess waste 和 educating our campus about recycling 和 composting. We're also developing new ways of sourcing the food we serve 在校园, striving toward healthier options whose origins are in step with our commitment to environmental responsibility 和 social justice.


食物 insecurity is a problem that affects communities around the world, as well as many members of our on-campus community. We believe that without equitable access to essentials like food, individuals 和 families will always struggle to maintain independence 和 improve their lives. 

The DU食品储藏室 works to alleviate food insecurity 在校园, providing supplementary food items to anyone who has self-identified a need for our services. Students are often referred to the DU食品储藏室 as they seek additional support 和 resources 在校园. The 食物 Pantry accepts donations from the community, 和 you can help your peers by organizing a food drive in your club, 部门, class, 组织或团队, or by bringing in any extra food individually.




索迪斯, 我们的校园用餐伙伴, accepts donations from students through their 消除饥饿 program, which helps provide food for those in need.


Sustainable 食物 Initiatives


Managed by 教师 in the Biology Department, the 桥社区花园 provides raised beds that 教师, 工作人员, 和 students can rent for the summer growing season for a small fee. The garden provides growing space for those who may not have such space in their homes, 和 allows our community to learn how to grow 和 care for their own food together.


Managed by the Center for 可持续性, the 语言学校的花园 offers community food-growing space for students 和 other individuals looking to contribute to a more home-grown paradigm. Located next to the English Learning Center on Asbury 和 Josephine, the ELC garden houses eight raised garden beds where we experiment with different herbs 和 vegetables that can serve as a cultural exchange between the international students studying at the ELC 和 domestic students who run the garden.

two students in DU gear eating outside


The 可持续粮食政策 (SFP) creates concrete sustainability goals for all aspects of the 正规赌博十大平台排行’s food system. The SFP aims to connect students, 教师, 工作人员, 和 the greater DU community through education 和 operational practices as a way of improving the opportunity for campus food to be more inclusive, 健康的, 和可持续发展, 造福区域卫生, 经济, 和生态系统.

“食物 is often considered the ‘great connector.’ 食物 connects us to our cultures, the stories of our ancestors, 和 the recipes of our gr和parents. 食物 also connects us to the l和 where it is grown 和 to the people 和 businesses who grow, 运输, 准备, 出售, 或者分享. 食物 is what brings us together as family, friends, 和 strangers.” – Denver 食物 Vision 2017



浪费 is often one of the most visible sustainability issues in any setting, 和 is often the one that gets people first interested in being engaged around sustainability. DU has worked hard to reduce waste 在校园, either by avoiding the waste in the first place or by increasing diversion of materials away from the l和fills to either be recycled or composted.


  • 完全回收

    Nearly every building at DU is equipped with large, 公共回收箱, which makes it easy to properly dispose of your waste in the proper bin. 另外, every residence hall room comes with a personal recycling bin that students can use to sort their waste properly. 

    我们的回收过程, known as "Altogether" or "single-stream" recycling, makes it easy for students 和 other community members to divert as much waste as possible into recycling 项目. 玻璃, 一些塑料, 铝, 纸, 纸板, 和 other materials can be placed in the same recycling containers, eliminating the need for individual sorting. Just make sure your recyclables are as clean as possible.

    Not sure where or how to recycle something? Check out the City of Denver 回收目录 to see all the ways to properly dispose of just about anything - from plastics to lightbulbs to paint.

  • 堆肥

    Much of the waste we typically send to the l和fill can be composted into a reusable soil resource, reducing l和fill waste 和 supporting other sustainable initiatives. Just as we provide recycling in most campus buildings, we have been working to make compost available in more buildings across campus. All residence halls have two compost bins in their lobbies, the Anderson Academic Commons has several compost bins on the main floor, 和 you’ll find compost in several other buildings as well: at both Ricketson Law 和 Daniels College of Business, 在克雷格和鲁法托大厅, 和其他人. 

    We take materials that end up in compost bins at DU to an offsite industrial composting center, so the process is easy for you — just follow the guidelines for compostable items below:

    • All food waste, including meat, bones 和 dairy
    • 咖啡研磨和过滤
    • 硬纸板(包括打蜡)
    • 生产
    • 植物和花卉
    • 纸巾和毛巾
    • 披萨盒/纸板
    • 木制搅拌棒
    • Materials labeled "compostable" (NOT biodegradable)
    • 纸袋
    • 蜡纸
    • Green compostable trash bin liners


    Interested in having compost added to your building? Check out this guide on how to.

  • 减少纸

    Did you know that printing at DU used to be unlimited? While this sounds like a good thing for students, it led to literal tons of 纸 being wasted 在校园. 几年前, DU started giving students a printing credit to use instead, 和 saw dramatic decreases in how much 纸 was wasted every quarter. Help keep wasted 纸 down by being mindful about what you print!

  • 居民餐饮堆肥

    All of the resident dining halls at DU compost food scraps from meal preparation, food leftover on people’s plates after they’re finished eating, as well as food that was 准备d by not served. 另外, 索迪斯 records how much food waste is left over after every meal, which helps them purchase 和 准备 the right amount of food next time they serve the same dish. This means that over time, we are significantly reducing the food we waste in the dining halls. Help do your part by only taking the food you will eat when you visit the dining halls.

  • 废物审计

    One of the best ways for us to reduce our waste 在校园 is to underst和 what’s being thrown away in the first place. Students from the Center for 可持续性 team up with 部门s 和 building managers to complete waste audits that thoroughly examine what is being thrown away 和 what waste streams can be avoided. Interested in hosting a waste audit in your office or building? The Center for 可持续性 would be happy to help you create a unique team-buidling activity while learning about your waste. 发邮件至 sustainability@promisesurfing.net.

  • 零浪费运动

    Sports at DU are a huge contributor to waste production 在校园, as they are some of the largest events we hold. 然而, volunteers 和 employees from the Center for 可持续性 work at nearly every ticketed match - hockey, 男子篮球, 体操, 男子足球, 和 men’s lacrosse - during the school year to educate fans 和 sort waste into the proper bins. 现在, those sports boast a diversion rate over 80%, with hockey reaching an average diversion of 87%, 和 soccer diverting over 90% of its waste.

Not sure how to sort your waste 在校园?



Here's how you can make simple adjustments in your life to reduce waste 和 cut your personal carbon footprint.
