《正规赌博十大平台排行》军事教育福利 FAQ

  • How do I use my GI Bill education benefits at DU?

    If you have never used your education benefits before, you will need to 应用 for benefits with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). If you have used your benefits at another school, you will need to submit a Request for Change of Program or Place of Training form (VA表格22-1995). 退伍军人管理局也可能允许你这么做 transfer benefits to a qualified family member,然后他们必须申请使用它们. Once you have been approved for benefits, the VA will mail you a Certificate of Eligibility (COE), 通常在四到六周内.

    一旦您获得福利批准并收到您的COE,您将需要通过电子邮件将其提交给我们 VACertify@promisesurfing.net. You may also download 和 send us a copy of your 利益陈述书 to serve as a placeholder until you receive your COE. Additionally, you will need to complete 和 submit the 使用退伍军人福利的意向 Information Sheet. Make sure you include your full Social Security number, the term/year you intend to start using your benefits, 和 your anticipated term/year of graduation. VA档案号码仅适用于ch35家属,并且与获得福利的服务成员的社会安全号码相匹配.

    Once we receive your COE (or 利益陈述书) 和 your Intent form, 大约在学期开始前30天,我们将仅为您的正规赌博十大平台排行学分提供证明. 这将促使退伍军人事务部在适当的时候把你的书和住房津贴寄给你,如果你有资格获得它们的话. 然后, 第33章受益人, 学期开始后大约三周,我们将为您的学杂费提交第二份证明.

  • I qualify for Yellow Ribbon benefits. How do I 应用 to use them 和 how much do I get?

    T在这里 is no application needed for Yellow Ribbon. 如果你有资格, 一旦你达到退伍军人事务部设定的年度学费上限,黄丝带福利就会自动应用. 才有资格参加黄丝带比赛, you must have Chapter 33 benefits available to use 和 100% eligibility. The amount of Yellow Ribbon funding received varies depending on your program.

    • 所有符合黄丝带资格的本科生都有资格获得无限资助.
    • Graduate students in Daniels College of Business, 社会工作研究生院, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, 大学学院, the Graduate School of Professional Psychology 和 Sturm College of Law are eligible for unlimited Yellow Ribbon funding.
    • 莫里奇教育学院的研究生总共有资格获得11美元,在黄丝带基金的资助下.
    • 所有其他研究生都有资格获得1万美元的黄丝带资助.
  • 我有第35章(DEA)的福利. 我的工资是多少?如何支付?

    第35章福利直接支付给学生,旨在帮助支付教育费用, 不要完全付钱. Payments are based on your enrollment credits. 请浏览 教育及培训 页面,向下滚动到幸存者和家属教育援助计划(DEA/Chapter 35)的费率表,以确定您的付款.

  • How much is my book stipend 和 how will I receive it?

    全日制CH 33(100%合格)和Fry奖学金学生每年获得1000美元的书费. 资格低于100%的学生和非全日制学生将获得一定比例的金额. Funds are typically disbursed after the start of the term, 所以,计划好提前支付你的书,等退伍军人事务部付款时再报销. They are deposited into the same account used for your BAH/MHA stipends. Book stipends are paid out by the VA each academic quarter, so if you have questions regarding your eligibility or payment, 请致电(888)442-4551.

  • What’s the difference between BAH 和 MHA? 它是如何计算的??

    BAH是国防部为现役军人提供的住房福利, w在这里as MHA is a benefit provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. MHA是为退伍军人,家属,国民警卫队和预备役服务人员. Both use the same BAH rate tables, but eligibility 和 calculations differ. Only students registered for more than half-time qualify for housing. Full-time for undergraduates is 12 credits per quarter. Full-time for graduate students is 8 credits per quarter.  Additionally, VA will only pay housing for the dates you are in class. Online-only courses qualify for ½ of the national average housing rate. 教室, 混合课程, 实习, 校外实习期, 和独立学习课程有资格根据杜的邮政编码享受住房价格.

    • 来计算你的BAH点击 在这里. 计算你的MHA点击 在这里. 这些计算只是估计,并假设至少有36个月的现役服务. 服务期限少于36个月的,可领取最高津贴的百分比将会减少. 请致电VA(888)442-4551了解您的具体付款资格.
    • BAH 和 MHA are managed 和 distributed by the VA. 如果您对资格或付款有疑问,请致电(888)442-4551.
  • My graduate program requires an in-person immersion experience. Will my GI Bill benefits pay for that?

    No, the VA will not pay for any experiential/immersion learning fees. This is because those fees contain costs for food 和 lodging, which are items that the VA will not cover. You will be responsible for paying those fees yourself.

  • 我可以使用我的退伍军人法案的福利来获得杜克大学的非学分专业证书吗?

    No, students must be pursuing either an undergraduate degree, 毕业证书, 或杜克大学研究生学位. Benefits cannot be used for Boot Camps or any other non-credit certificates.

  • 如果我退课怎么办?

    要看情况而定 on several factors, so please email VACertify@promisesurfing.net for the best answer for your situation.

  • 我没有100%的资格. How does that affect my tuition payments?

    合格率低于100%的学生的学费上限取决于他们的百分比. 每个季度,退伍军人事务部将支付你的百分比,你负责支付剩余部分. 一旦你达到了学费上限,VA将不再支付任何费用,你将负责本学年剩余时间的全部学费和杂费.  2023-2024学年低于100%合格率的上限如下:

    • 90%资格= 24,408美元.05
    • 80%资格= $21,696.04
    • 70%资格= $18,984.04
    • 60%资格= 16,272美元.03
    • 50%资格= $13,560.03
    • 40%资格= $10,848.02

    The VA requires that all tuition-based funding, 例如私人奖学金, 机构奖学金, 奖助金, 联邦学费补助, 雇主援助在每个季度的最终学费和杂费账单之前被扣除. 这意味着上面提到的任何援助都不能用来弥补学生费用和退伍军人事务部支付的费用之间的差距. 资格低于100%的学生每个季度将有自付余额.

  • 我是第33章,我收到了VA的一封信/通知,说我的学费和费用没有提交认证. 发生了什么事??

    Most likely the reason is that we simply have not submitted them yet. The certification process is completed in two steps. The first step is to certify for enrollment credits only. 这通常在每学期开始前30天完成,并确保你的书费和住房津贴在适当的时间发送,如果你有资格收到它们. 认证过程的第二步发生在学期开始后大约三周,届时我们将对您的学杂费进行认证.

  • If I withdraw from DU 和 want to return, how does that work with my GI Bill?

    从正规赌博十大平台排行退学的本科生可以在五个日历年内重新正规赌博十大平台排行. Graduate students seeking readmission after withdrawal should consult the 毕业生公告 以及他们的研究生课程正规赌博十大平台排行完成学位的时间限制. 请浏览 Steps for Withdrawing from the University page for detailed information on the withdrawal process. 至于VA认证办公室需要您提供什么,请发送电子邮件至VACertify@promisesurfing.net,更新后的COE或 利益陈述书 完成并提交一份新的 使用退伍军人福利的意向 回国前的表格. 一旦我们收到这些文件,我们就可以在我们的系统中为你设置每个季度的认证,直到你预期的毕业日期,只要你有福利可以使用.

  • Can I transfer my Chapter 33 benefits to my spouse or child?

    要看情况而定. 如果你是现役军人或在选定的预备部队,并且你符合所有要求,你可能可以转移你的9/11后GI法案福利.


    • 在你的申请被批准之日,你已经完成了至少6年的工作;
    • You agree to add 4 more years of service,
    • 领取津贴者已登记于国防登记资格申报系统(DEERS)。.

    请浏览 转移 Your Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits 浏览更多详情