
Students Find Voice in Great Debate

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A quiet student raises a h和 to express an opinion. 毫无疑问,这是一种勇敢的行为,因为课堂上的观点并不总是一致的. But thanks to a new program, Debate Across the Curriculum, 正规赌博十大平台排行(University of Denver)的学生越来越多地利用一种与苏格拉底辩论一样古老的工具.

This is not the political theater style of debate. It’s a lesson in civil discourse. 就像 火花, 杜最近发起了一年一度的公民言论和言论自由日, 它旨在让学生接触不同的思想,以便他们更好地形成自己的思想.

在教师的邀请下,跨课程辩论在校园的教室中使用. The process covers three class periods—the first prepares the students, 第二个是辩论本身,第三个是汇报环节,学生们讨论他们学到的东西. 它的非竞争性. No one is declared a winner.

“它告诉你,你的信念应该在思考之后,而不是在思考之前,”她说 Darrin Hicks, professor of communications studies. 这位前杜里大学辩论教练开发了这个项目,该项目部分由 勇敢的天使, a nonprofit dedicated to political depolarization. It debuted in fall 2022.

这是一个新项目,它与课堂上的个别教师合作,并将辩论作为一种教学工具,他说. “我建议教师如何在课堂上围绕一个问题进行辩论. 我们有一个非常简单的模型:辩论的本质是两个人站在一个问题的对立面.” Each side presents its case point-by-point, 和 questions follow.

“正规赌博十大平台排行认为我们有责任帮助我们的学生磨练他们的能力 就复杂问题进行有意义的辩论或讨论所需的技能。 Chancellor Jeremy Haefner says. “This is the holistic education we promise with the DU 4D 从长远来看,经验将帮助我们的学生茁壮成长.”

Sociology professor Hava Gordon, one of roughly 40 faculty members who have used the program, has incorporated it into her classroom twice. “There aren’t just two sides to an issue,她说。, “but there are multiple sides that deserve exploration. 辩论可以是学生就问题进行对话的一种方式,不害怕不同意. 它为他们提供了一种工具,以一种扩展他们学习的方式来参与与他们不同的观点,而不是与不同意他们的人持不同意见.”

Hicks says that’s the power of debate. “最终, 我们学习我们还不知道的东西,以及在我们致力于公共政策立场之前我们需要知道的东西.”

心理学教授Chip Reichardt说,辩论可以帮助解决教育中的一个问题, 哪一个, 他说, often tells students what to think without teaching them how to think. He says he has led informal debates in his classes for 45 years, 但没有一个达到了“跨课程辩论”的效果. 他的学生们讨论了一个新兴话题,这是那些担心从知识产权到工作保障等一切问题的人最关心的话题:这所房子认为,人工智能(AI)永远无法创造出像人类创造的最好的创造性作品那样真正具有创造性的作品.

在课程辩论中,辩论持续一节课. Every student is required to participate. 学生们被分配了立场,每个人必须陈述一个观点并回答同学们的问题. All questions are directed through Hicks, 主持人, a step that Reichardt says lessens confrontational tones. 学生们通过轻拍桌子来表示对老师所说内容的赞同.

Reichardt说:“这类事情通常会带来真正好的思考. “这让那些倾向于安静说话的学生,在那之后,他们就不那么犹豫了. It’s structure, but it’s not unpleasant. It’s engaging, inviting, stimulating.”

For Gordon’s advanced seminar, Globalization from Above 和 Below, 希克斯主持了一场正规赌博十大平台排行全球化给民主国家带来的问题的辩论.

One of the participants was 21岁的法尔玛塔·瓦科(Falmata Wako)拥有金融和工商管理专业的双学位usiness information 和 analytics. Originally from Ethiopia, he now lives in Denver. “I think the debate was great,他说. “It made me critically think about the issue we were discussing. 这一点尤其正确,因为我当时站在反对全球化的一方, 尽管我一开始不一定同意这方面的观点. 辩论结束后, 我意识到这个问题的复杂性,争论的双方都有利弊. 不过, 这是一个很好的机会来练习辩论技巧和建设性的分歧与其他学生.”

戈登说,她想把辩论带到她所有的课堂上,因为这对学生来说是一次很棒的经历. “Some students said it was the best part of the class. I would say it was their most engaged day. 这是一种让学生综合他们所学到的知识的方式,这种方式比期中考试或论文更吸引人. They made all the course material come to life.”

和赖哈特一样,她看到平时安静的学生开始大声说话,这是她没有预料到的. “I thought students would hang onto their talking points, but I saw their arguments evolve in real time, 和 they thought of new points in response to the other students.”

That’s to Hicks’ liking. “如果我们想提高学生以文明的方式参与的能力, we have to teach them how to do that,他说. “辩论是我们唯一能让他们真正了解彼此的最好方法, 从这种参与中形成他们自己的核心信念,并弄清楚他们想要如何过自己的生活.”