
DU Partners With MV Transportation to Pilot New 校园 Shuttle





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The University of Denver announced Monday a new partnership with MV Transportation to pilot its new campus shuttle. The DU Shuttle will serve faculty, staff 和 students Monday-Friday from 7a.m. – 7 p.m. with hopes to exp和 beyond the university community in early 2020. The DU Shuttle will provide rides along two designated routes around the perimeter of campus.

The DU Shuttle is an exciting step in the implementation of the University’s strategic plan, Du冲击2025, which is funding the shuttle. DU will run two shuttles, each ADA compliant, with seats for 12 riders.

“Our partnership with MV Transportation is another step towards realizing our sustainability goals 和 developing a mobility hub at the light rail station,查德·金说。, DU’s director of sustainability. “This community is hungry for more mobility options. DU already offers a transit pass to faculty, staff 和 students 和 we are excited to be able to continue to this forward momentum toward last mile connections.”

After a very competitive selection process, MV Transportation was selected to provide the service for DU. MV Transportation also works with RTD’s Access-a-Ride program.

“We are excited about our partnership with DU 和 appreciate the confidence they have placed in MV,Lisa Kelliher说, MV’s Senior Vice President for the Midwest region.  “We look forward to bringing new 和 innovative ideas that enhance the overall passenger experience as people commute to 和 from campus.”

乘坐DU航天飞机, riders must download the Tripshot rider app which will provide ETA of the shuttle, 路线等.

“Improving mobility for all: it’s why we exist,罗布·安东尼克说, Tripshot’s Vice President of Business Development 和 Strategy. “We work diligently to tailor our mobility technology to meet the expectations of today’s passengers, transit system operators 和 administrators. We’re thrilled that students, faculty 和 staff at DU now have access to better mobility.”