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Heather Hein

Senior Editor

对人类学的热情把Getrude Finyiza从马拉维一路带到杜拉. She’s going back home as a researcher on a mission.

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Getrude Finyiza

当Getrude Finyiza还是Mangochi的一名高中生时, Malawi, 一位朋友告诉她,她在报纸上看到一份不寻常的工作,她认为格特鲁德会喜欢.

“一位来自欧洲的人类学学生正在寻找一名研究助理,”她回忆道. “这名学生想找一个了解当地文化和语言、喜欢与人交流的人.“但他们也需要从未上过大学的人,因为工作是在农村地区. “上过大学的人不想在农村工作."

格特鲁德高中毕业后不确定自己想做什么,于是决定申请. The youngest of six children, 她说,她很灵活,愿意接受新的体验,愿意在自己的国家旅行. 她一点也不知道,这个决定将导致她与来自世界各地的博士生一起工作了十多年, eventually, coming to the University of Denver to study cultural anthropology herself.

She worked for researchers from Europe and the U.S., from the University of Amsterdam, the University of Chicago, the London School of Economics and the University of Oslo, among others. 她在Skyway大学读书期间一直在工作, in Lilongwe, Malawi’s capital city, 她在哪里完成了项目管理学士学位.

Getrude’s interest in anthropology grew over the years, 因为她帮助在马拉维28个不同的地区进行研究,每个地区都有自己的文化, language and norms.

Getrude Finyiza wall

“例如,有些部落在有人死后会遵循特定的仪式. 我来自的地方没有任何仪式,所以这是不同的,”格特鲁德说. She had to learn languages quickly to do her job. “我会让社区里的人教我一些词语, if I didn’t understand, I would ask little by little, and I started getting used to different languages.”  

格特鲁德开始探索马拉维的人类学课程,发现只有一个,而且只有两三个学生. So, she started looking at programs in the United States, specifically, the University of Chicago and DU. DU was the first program to accept her.

'Now, I can do my own research'

格特鲁德在杜克大学正规赌博十大平台排行时,已经结婚并有了一个女儿. 2022年秋天,她和家人搬到了丹佛,从未见过面. 他们在离学校和她丈夫很近的公寓里安顿下来, Nebert, 谁拥有马拉维大学社区发展专业的学士学位, 格特鲁德专心学习时,他们照顾女儿.

Almost immediately, 她还开始了在正规赌博十大平台排行学住房和住宿教育办公室担任案头助理的工作. Although Getrude already knew English, she says, “I thought it would help me get used to people around here. 每天当不同的人向我要钥匙或其他东西时,我都会和他们交谈. 我想我可以习惯他们说话的方式,这样我就能更好地理解.”

她的课程也提供了立即学习的机会. She says that, despite her many years working as a research assistant, there was a lot she didn’t know. “有时候我只是在做我的工作,不知道自己在做什么. And I was working for others,” she says.

她学习了人种学的研究方法,以及如何使用各种软件收集和分析数据——这是她以前从未做过的事情. “Now,” she says, “I can do my own research.”

格特鲁德指出,她的导师亚历杭德罗·瑟尔教授一路给予了她帮助ó他会检查她的学习进度,确保她在学业上走对了方向. She also worked as a research assistant for him, 学习如何处理档案中的数据——这是她从未做过的事情.

She says her classmates were also helpful. “At first, I was scared. In class, I was thinking, ‘Are they going to understand me? Maybe they’ll just look at me.’ But everyone was very nice. 如果我不明白的东西,我的朋友会在课后解释给我听. We had lots of group discussions, which I liked a lot.”

Gertrude Finyiza in the field

Last summer, Getrude有机会学以致用,当她回到马拉维与艾滋病毒阳性的孕妇一起研究如何预防垂直传播(艾滋病毒从母亲传给婴儿). She worked at a health center in Mbela, 这个国家南部的一个村庄,多年前她曾在那里做研究助理.

这只是格特鲁德完整旅程的开始. 在她6月毕业后,也就是内特在杜克大学完成高等教育硕士学位后,他们计划回到马拉维. Her goal is to set up a research consultancy firm, 在那里,她将再次帮助那些想在非洲进行研究的学生和教师——但这一次, as their guide.


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