
校园建设 Provides Learning Lab for Students



Lorne Fultonberg


Lorne Fultonberg



303 871-2660


新闻  •

Things have changed for students in the Constructions Building Systems class these days.

A supply list that once contained little more than a textbook is now more rugged: hard hat, 结实的鞋子, 荧光背心, 防护眼镜. 和 field trips to see the latest, greatest feats in construction aren’t exactly field trips.

因为就在街对面 富兰克林L. Burns School of Real Estate 和 Construction Management lies a better live laboratory than any professor Eric Holt could have designed.

“That’s cutting-edge technology right there,” 霍尔特说 of the University of Denver’s forthcoming 伯韦尔职业成就中心, 在校园的北侧升起作为一部分 丹佛的优势 倡议. “学生们可以在这里体验到这一点. Having this instructional campus is just a godsend for the Burns School.”


伯韦尔中心计划于2020年7月开放 represents 21,000 square feet of development 和 outreach. 在它的门里面, 这所大学的学生超过12人,000名学生和140名,000 alumni can connect with employers 和 one another as they grow themselves professionally.

Already the 中心主任 is developing the skill sets of Holt’s students. 在一个十月的早晨, they gathered outside the chain-link fences that mark the construction entrance 和 prepared for a tour with engineers from PCL Construction.

It’s the first time these students, most of whom are studying in the 房地产与建筑环境(REBE)项目, 近距离观察交叉层压木材(CLT)吗. The Canadian wood is regarded as the gold st和ard in sustainability. It takes far less energy to produce than concrete or steel 和 is harvested with environmental preservation in mind.

“大约一个月前(在课堂上)我们刚刚学习了CLT。,乔纳·科莫说, REBE的研究生, “现在……而不是在幻灯片上。, 就在这里. It’s cool to see it 和 appreciate what we’ve been talking about.”


Aesthetically, the wood contributes to the 中心主任’s clean look. 大部分木材将暴露在建筑内部, 它也有大窗户的自然光. Heidi Perman, assistant vice chancellor of career 和 professional development, 笔记, many of the features are the result of student feedback during the design process.

“They care about sustainability 和 they wanted to see the sustainability,” Perman says. “We want this to be a learning lab” where DU can show the building’s green features. The 中心主任 is aspiring to LEED Platinum status, which means it will use 50% less energy than its peers. REBE student David Winsor says the environmental priorities haven’t gone unnoticed in his program.

“[Seeing] that sustainability,” Winsor says, “essentially sets the foundation [for us] in college. “和 then subconsciously we are just driving that after college in any career we end up following.”

The second floor of the 中心主任 features cross-laminate timber 和 large windows. (图片来源:Lorne Fultonberg)

除了材料, 霍尔特说, these class excursions give students an idea of what to expect on a real job site. On tours, they witness interactions between employees 和 subcontractors. 他们实时观察施工过程. 和 afterwards, in many cases, there are opportunities for networking. After leading the 中心主任 tour, PCL employees hosted the students for lunch. Over pizza, they talked shop 和 discussed internships 和 jobs. Several DU students are already interning on other campus construction projects, including the Dimond Family Residential Village 和 the Community Commons.

“I’m thinking about the long-term aspects of when I’ll be, not only a current student learning from [the 中心主任], 但后来作为校友使用它,Nhu Lan说, 研究生. “这就是我看到附加值的地方.”

和, 霍尔特说, with plans through the 丹佛的优势 to rebuild 和 exp和 campus even further, 学生将得到一个伟大的, 未来几年的体验式教育.

“We’re preaching here at Burns that we give students the most advanced construction management education out there,他说. “我们不只是照本宣科. We are getting them out weekly onto real-world construction sites. 这是一个更好的学习经历.”
