
2023 研究 和 奖学金 by the Numbers





新闻  •
Barry Zink和学生们

2023 was a banner year for research 和 scholarship at DU. Less than two years after the University reached R1 status—the highest tier of research universities—faculty, staff 和 students across departments 和 colleges have been instrumental in raising the bar, bringing in a record number of grants, publishing dozens of books 和 sharing DU’s expertise with the world. 

“Universities often experience fluctuation in research expenditures, based on faculty turnover. 但是在杜克大学, we’ve had 10 years of a steady upward trajectory—driven by quality researchers 和 one of the more diverse research portfolios in academia,科琳·伦斯菲尔德说, Senior Vice Provost for 研究 和 Graduate Education.


Amount of new award funding DU received this year, a record for the University. Of the 147 new grants funded, 126 were more than $500K.


的数量 principal 和 co-principal investigators, which has tripled in the last 10 years, thanks largely to br和-new faculty involved in grant awards.


的数量 books authored by faculty across eight departments 和 colleges, including 21 from the College of 艺术, 人文社会科学.


的数量 times the work of DU faculty was cited this year.


Amount of one of the largest grants awarded this year, to Morgridge College of Education from the Caring for Colorado Foundation for the Wellbeing 和 Equity in Rural Colorado 学校 (WERCS) project. Elaine Belansky of the Center for Rural School 健康 和 Education leads the 5-year project, which will implement mental health strategies for youth 和 staff in 31 rural schools in southeast 和 south-central Colorado.  


的数量 times DU was mentioned in the media, including 478 local 和 243 national outlets—a 16% increase over the previous year. 媒体包括 U.S. 新闻 和 World Report, The Hill, The Washington Post, Bloomberg Law 和 The Denver Post.


的数量 student researchers who received grant funding from DU in 2023, including 147 graduate assistantships—a 71% increase over pre-p和emic levels.






的数量 DU Undergraduate 研究 Journal 问题发表, 包括14篇文章, biographies 和 interviews—all authored 和 peer reviewed by undergraduates.